Jan 27

Seattle Hair Clinic

Hair density goals for Neograft transplant patients

by Seattle Hair Clinic

Donor site hair from the back of the head is a limited resource. It is important to distribute these hair follicle grafts in the most economically reasonable arrangement to conserve donor site hair for future use, if necessary. The most common locations on the male scalp for balding are in the frontal and crown regions. We know that the human scalp has visual redundancy of 100% - meaning that the hair coverage will appear to be just as dense when hair follicles are thinned to 50% of their original population. Keeping this fact in mind when planning a hair transplant procedure is crucial. The goal of a hair restoration procedure is not to restore hair density to 100% of what it once was, but to merely replace enough grafts to reach that crucial 50% density threshold. Using more grafts in an attempt to create 'original' density is a waste of precious follicular unit hair grafts.

Seattle Hair Clinic
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